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Hyperpigmentation is a broad term that refers to a skin condition in which the skin is discolored or darkened due to an array of factors, including sun damage, acne scarring, and inflammation lingering from an eczema flare-up. Melasma is a form of the condition that's more common in women and is usually most prevalent on the face in areas like the forehead, chin, and above the lip.

Melasma affects a lots of women and is sometimes referred to as "the mask of pregnancy," as it frequently appears during pregnancy due to the vast hormonal changes. Much like general hyperpigmentation on the face though, melasma appears in the form of discoloration and is exacerbated by exposure to the sun. Thus, this begs the question: How can you tell if you actually have melasma?

Hyperpigmentation can refer to any darkening of the skin.

Post-blemish scarring from a stubborn breakout, freckles that expanded into full-blown sun spots from excess exposure, or discoloration caused by a condition like eczema or psoriasis usually all fall under the umbrella of hyperpigmentation.

This is because acne, sunlight, skin rashes, and the like have the potential to stimulate melanocytes, the pigment-making cells in the skin, to make a surplus of pigment, causing them to dump their pigment into lower levels of the skin, like tattoo pigment, where it doesn't belong.

The deeper the pigment, the tougher it is to treat. Put it this way: A section of skin that's been consistently exposed to harmful UV rays without the proper protection will be harder to heal or treat than say, a dark spot leftover from a pimple that you've been careful to shield from the sun. In other words, the level of severity varies, but if you spot discoloration on your skin that wasn't there before, it's safe to assume it's hyperpigmentation. But always consult your doctor to be sure, of course.

What is melasma?

Melasma is a form of hyperpigmentation that's more commonly seen in women (especially in those with darker skin tones) and is thought to be triggered by UV exposure, as well as hormonal influences. The latter is what differentiates it from traditional hyperpigmentation and makes it tougher to treat.

Hormonal influences play a significant role here, as seen by the increased prevalence of pregnancy, oral contraceptive use, and other hormonal therapies. The problem is preventing its worsening, especially from the hormonal angle, as it can be hard to remove the instigating factors.

You can usually tell if you have melasma based on its appearance alone. It typically appears as symmetric blotchy hyperpigmented patches on the face, usually the cheeks, bridge of the nose, forehead, chin, and upper lip.

While less common, melasma can appear on other parts of the body — especially those more prone to sun exposure (like the neck and forearms) — and many people say their melasma worsens in the summer and improves in the winter. It may also appear during pregnancy or after starting birth control or other hormonal treatments.

Finally, there are a couple of factors that can contribute to the spreading of melasma: visible light and heat. Dermatologists recommends using makeup that contains iron oxide to help block visible light. Unfortunately, steering clear of infrared heat proves more difficult, as it can be generated just by being in hot environments such as a sauna, a steamy kitchen, or even the gym.

Most melasma treatments are the same, but it's harder to get rid of.

As mentioned above, melasma is difficult to treat. This is because, unlike traditional hyperpigmentation, which responds to a variety of over-the-counter products that contain brightening agents like vitamin C, kojic acid, niacinamide, hydroquinone, and azelaic acid, melasma hasn't seen the same rate of success or consistency.

Often what works for one person doesn't work for another, therefore, it is hard to pinpoint one treatment that is most effective for melasma. A combination of sunscreen, brightening ingredients, and laser treatments, whereas, for basic hyperpigmentation is recommended. The specialists typically uses chemical peels in place of lasers.

Treatment depends on the severity of your melasma. Everyone's experience will be unique, and no treatment plan will be 100 percent perfect or work the same way for someone else. So whether you have stubborn hyperpigmentation or melasma, be sure to talk with your dermatologist first to figure out the best form of treatment.

You can't correct or prevent either without sun protection.

We've stressed the importance of diligent sunscreen use too many times to count, but that's because it's basically the end-all-be-all when it comes to staving off any sun-induced ailment. Melasma is also triggered by hormonal factors, but that does not mean you should slack off on the SPF, as UV rays are still responsible for magnifying the condition.

The specialists recommends applying an SPF 30 or higher every two hours, even if you're just going to be inside sitting near a window. It also can't hurt to double up on the protection with a moisturizer that contains SPF.



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